Our extensive selection of loose pipe tobacco blends has something to offer all smokers. Over 65 different choices of pipe tobacco sold from jars, ranging from traditional English blends, American aromatics, continental blends to base tobaccos for blending your own mixtures. A host of different manufacturers such as Gawith Hoggarth, Mac Baren, Germain’s, Samuel Gawith’s and more line the shelves in glass kilner jars to maintain their freshness of our pipe tobacco. Each tobacco has a description and guide to its strength, taste, flavourings used and the room note produced to assist you in choosing the perfect tobacco for you. All our tobacco is sold in 50 gram portions. We hope you enjoy browsing our Loose Tobacco Blends and thank you for shopping with us.
A blend of Virginias, Burley and BlackCavendish tobaccos blended in the typical style of an Americanblend, topped with a generous helping of sweetCherry. 50g.
Century Rum & Maple blend is a familar tasting American Blend. Rich rum and sweet maple atop brightVirginias and Burley before being prepared in a ribboncut. A must try blend. Slow smoking and pleasant at any time of day or night. 50g.
A smooth background of Caramel combined with a deep, intense Coffee aroma to compliment the rich BlackCavendish tobacco. A course cut, sticky and delicious American blend. Very oily but also very cool and slow burning with wonderful flavour. 50g.
Gawith Hoggarth American Delite. Virginias, Burleys and plenty of BlackCavendish topped with Caramel, Vanilla and Coconut. This is the Macaroon of Pipe Tobaccos 50g.
A truly classic style Balkan blend. Rich in Latakia, select Virginias and Orientals. A sweet smokey traditional blend of unadulteratedtobaccoflavours harmonised in a balance of smoothness and intensity. 50g.
An American blend composed of Virginia, Burley and Cavendish that has been topped with a mouth-watering tropicalCoconut flavouring. A beautiful sweet mixture that is very easy going and leaves a wonderful aroma. Mediumstrength. 50g.
Curly Cut De Luxe. Rope-Spun Virignias without any addition of Perique. Unflavoured the rope is left to age then cut into discs. When burned it produces a pleasant room note with a sweet grassy aroma. 50g.
Sweet BlackCavendish prepared by a special double fermentation process provides the basis for this tobacco. RipeBlackCherry is then added to produce a unique aroma. 50g.
Traditional Danish style aromatic utilising firstly Virginia and BlackCavendish tobacco. Secondly the introduction of a rich fruity topping similar to Peach with a hint of Honey. In short, satisfaction guaranteed for any smoker with a sweet tooth. 50g.
A smooth blend of selected Burley and mature Virginia. The combination of fresh Peachflavour infused with a subtle yet ornate Brandyaroma that never fails to please. Provided in an easy-to-smoke shag cut. 50g.