Bent Dublin Rustic Pipe – Turkish Block Meerschaum
Weight: 35g
Length: 140mm
Bowl Width: 20mm
Bowl Depth: 45mm
Made from 100% genuine Turkish block meerschaum.
Meerschaum translates from German to English as ‘Sea Foam’. An incredibly effective material for pipes as its hard to burn out due to its heat absorbing qualities. It starts off it’s journey coming from the Black Sea, and when wet is easy to carve making it a favourite for craftsman in Turkey to display intricate patterns. Over a period of time it absorbs the nicotine, changing colour from an ivory white to a brown speckled tortoise shell pattern. The meerschaum also vitrifies over this time period, becoming ever more durable.
Bent Dublin Rustic Pipe – Turkish Block Meerschaum
Turkish Meerschaum (Sepiolite) Blog
Meerschaum translates from German to English as ‘Sea Foam’. This term was employed as the material could sometimes be found afloat the Black Sea. This incredibly workable material, also known as sepiolite, was first given the name meerschaum in 1788 by Abraham Gottlob Werner. That being said, some of the earliest examples of meerschaum pipes date back to sixty years before. The material was (and still is) sought after for it’s highly porous and easy to carve nature. Meerschaum has become synonymous with Turkish pipe makers. The skills used to apply such detail to these pipes has made them world renowned, and quite rightly so. To read more click here.
NOTE: The pipe stand shown in the picture is not included.
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